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Estimated genome size:

25 cm

Organism size:

25 cm


Escarpment near Nieuwoudtville, Northern Cape.

PromethION Sequencing Report:


99.05 Gigabases

Approximate N50:

5.6 kilobases

Draft Genome Assembly Statistics:

Genome Length:

262.93 Mb

BUSCO completeness score (single and duplicated genes):



This species is a close relative of the highly invasive weed, Oxalis pes-caprae, but has a naturally small distribution range. The genomes of these two species may give us insights into the evolution of invasiveness. The species is Redlisted as Rare.

Sample Contributor contact details

Dr Kenneth Oberlander
University of Pretoria



Estimated genome size:

806 Million DNA base pairs (0,806 Giga bases)

Organism size:

51 cm (maximum reported)


From Northern Namibia to South Africa, Eastern Cape

PromethION Sequencing Report:


135.76 Gigabases

Approximate N50:

10.43 kilobases

Chrysoblephus laticeps

Red Roman

Species Card Details

Draft Genome Assembly Statistics:

Genome Length:

757.71 Mb

BUSCO completeness score (single and duplicated genes):



The Red Roman, a species endemic to the South African marine environment, plays a significant role in the country's economy through both commercial and recreational fishing. However, overfishing along the South African coastline poses a threat to the species' biodiversity, impacting its ability to adapt to climate change. Sequencing the genome of this species is crucial for informing effective conservation efforts and conducting population genomics research. This marks one of the first reference genomes for an endemic South African marine fish.

Sample Contributor contact details

Dr Romina Henriques
University of Pretoria

Photo credit:

© S. Benjamin

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